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Environment & Safety

To ensure that the risks from the operations on human & other life forms, environment, machineries & goods, systems & processes, and reputation are at a minimum, we partner with organizations to implement changes in their way of operating.

To ensure that the risks from the operations on human & other life forms, environment, machineries & goods, systems & processes, and reputation are at a minimum, we partner with organizations to implement changes in their way of operating through following services.

  • Environmental Aspect Impact Analysis

  • Site risk assessment (Safety)

  • Audit - Fire Safety and Electrical Safety (IS 14489)

  • Audit - Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)

  • ISO - 45001 certification preparation

  • OHS - management protocol

  • Environmental - foot-printing - GHG, Water, Waste, Energy, LCA

  • Plastic - reduction in the value chain

  • COVID19 Safety

  • Training - and Capacity building on Fire Safety, electrical safety, and behavioral based safety

  • Business Continuity Planning and Crisis Management


सुर्खियों में

Guidance for the revised FY24 BRSR format

Guidance on FY24 format for the companies that reported BRSR in FY23. Understand the changes for the year and how to arrive at the new data.

Image by David Rangel
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Registered Office 336/3, Gandhinagar, Pudupariyaram, Palakkad, Kerala - 678731 

Corporate Office 8110, Zenia, Hiranandani Estate, Mumbai - 400607 

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