Climate change & Energy
The climate change is a global phenomenon impacting all of us and our future generation. Organizations are expected to lead the sustainability revolution by measuring and reducing their carbon footprint. Learn how you can contribute to the mitigation and adapt to climate change by reaching out to us.
Climate change is one of the biggest issues faced by all the species of the globe. To reach the climate change targets set for the globe, we assist companies in mitigating emissions in their value chain. Following are some of our expertise area when it comes to climate change.
Life Cycle Analysis
GHG Emission Accounting
Climate risk & vulnerability assessments basis TCFD
Setting Climate change related targets as per SBTi
Feasibility analysis of RE or carbon abatement strategies
Assessing marginal abatement cost curves
Decarbonization Strategies for hard-to-abate sectors
Adaptation Strategies and Processes
Carbon Offsetting and credits
TCFD reporting
Emissions reporting like NGER,the Safeguard Mechanism, and ERF
Implementation of Solar Projects