We stand for sustainability; of society and corporations. Everything we do is about adding value in the long-term

At Pozhat, your sustainability is our purpose.
What is the most important element that is missing in the current society that will add the maximum value in the long term?
This is the question that we ask ourselves everyday to create solutions to problems that needs addressing and is not addressed by anyone until now.
As the world constantly evolves through innovation and technology, there are better ways to solve existing problems and new problems to solve. We place ourselves at the forefront of problem solving race and place our mission as solving the biggest problems in the best way.
Pozhat is the heart behind multiple solutions for the world. While each solution of Pozhat might be for different stakeholders, one thing will be common across; they will be sustainable and at the forefront of innovation.
For the corporates, we have a good news. Our solution is out to public that helps business leaders in making the best decision using AI. This solution can be found at

Our Identity
Our purpose is to create a sustainable world by enabling leaders to make decisions right and quick.
Great Leaders improve their communities’ life by making right decisions. We are here to help leaders make decisions right and quick.
Our personal goal to work is to attain fulfillment as we create a world where right decisions are made for the people every day.
We are aggressive in achieving the milestones towards the final vision of sustainable world.
To rightly serve our community of leaders, we imbibe their way of experiencing life to intuitively know what they appreciate and not.
Each of us is a leader within our area. We remember the purpose constantly and move towards the vision through the contributions in our area in the best possible way in the world.
We make sure our team consists of people who inspire us. With such a team, we enjoy the adventure and celebrate our collective achievements together.